“Haptic Object Recognition,” NSERC-Discovery grant, 2012-2017, (PI: E.M. Petriu);

The long-term objective is the study of new computational-intelligence algorithms for real-time robotic haptic perception of touched object-surface topology and for model-based haptic-only 3D object recognition. The short-term objectives are: (i) development of new algorithms for the integration of tactile sensor images with kinaesthetic sensor data collected through robotic haptic exploration of 3D objects, (ii) investigation of task-driven active-sensing methods that allow for an efficient use of the inherently limited tactile sensing capabilities, and development of new intelligent control algorithms for concurrent position & force control of the robot manipulator during the haptic exploration of objects, (iii) development of novel computational intelligence methods for model-based haptic recognition of 3D objects using topological features recovered from haptic images.

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